A few weeks ago I attended one of the best training conferences that I’ve ever experienced. The SCORRE Conference was hosted by Ken Davis (best-selling author, frequent radio and television guest, one of the country’s most sought after inspirational and motivational speakers) and Michael Hyatt (publisher, literary agent, and New York Times bestselling author of Platform: Get Noticed in a Noisy World).

The primary objective of the conference is to teach skills that enhance communication. I can certainly say that my communication skills were stretched and have been forever changed.
There is a desperate need for clear communication
1. 50% of the speakers cannot articulate, in a simple sentence, the objective of their talk.
2. 75% of the people leaving a presentation have no idea what was communicated.
Every person should consider attending the SCORRE Conference because of three tremendous benefits.
Learn a simple way to structure any presentation
I learned how to organize my presentations for maximum effectiveness. The method can be summarized with the acronym, SCORRE:
• Subject – Establishing a SUBJECT.
• Central Theme – Choosing a single aspect of that subject as a CENTRAL THEME helps the speaker focus on what he/she wants to talk about.
• Objective – Writing an OBJECTIVE force the speaker to consider the purpose of the speech.
• Rationale – Building powerful RATIONALE provides the logical framework for persuasion and encouragement. The RATIONALE should lead the listener to your objective.
• Resources – RESOURCES bring light, color and clarity to the speech and keep the listener interested. They also personalize what might otherwise seem like abstract ideas and facts.
• Evaluation – EVALUATION causes the speaker to ask, “Do I know what I am talking about and is it worth my listener’s time?”
The speakers at the conference unpack each of the elements of this method and allow the attendees time to practice the method on their own material. You also learn how to use the SCORRE method for writing and even making announcements.
Learn how to deliver a memorable presentation
The conference addresses the whole picture of communication – including important aspects of delivery. You’ll learn:
• How to use your opening to ignite your audience, and how to use your closing to give an opportunity to respond.
• How to use illustrations to make your talk more memorable.
• How to use effective body talk, the volume of your voice, your appearance, effective eye contact, body movement, facial expressions to match your words, gestures and humor.
Participate in an accelerated learning environment
The structure of the conference is one of the key elements to this effective event.
• The organizers intentionally create a safe place to learn and develop your skills as a communicator. This creates a situation where you can give 100% and not hold back.
• Each small group is lead by an experienced facilitator/coach. My coach, Dr. Brian Anderson, was a seasoned communicator and a tremendous mentor with great people-skills.
• I made new, long-lasting friends in my small practice group of eight people. We learned from and encouraged each other as we delivered three, five-minute speeches during the conference.
A powerful combination
I found this conference to be chock full of ways for me to improve as a communicator.
On top of the learning, attendees have the opportunity to do — to actually apply what they’ve learned. This powerful duo of learning and doing creates an invaluable experience.
Ken Davis said, “Communication has not taken place unless there is a response.”
Would you like your message, whether written or verbal, to produce a better response?
If so, consider signing up for the next SCORRE Conference. I guarantee that whether you communicate to a few or thousands of people, you’ll take your game to the next level!