Last month I conducted my first ever Reader Survey. I asked, and you answered! Thanks for jumping in there and leaving your opinions and feedback. Let’s break down the results:

It was interesting to dig into the survey results and learn more about you, dear reader.
In an effort to build a “reader profile” I’ve identified the following characteristics that describe my average reader:
My average reader is a male. (74%)
He is between 41 to 60 years old. (65%)
He is college educated. (92%)
Most (69%) have an income above $70,000.
He is married. (81%)
He is an entrepreneur or manager. (71%)
His biggest challenge is feeling as if he doesn’t have enough time or focus. (48%)
I was keenly interested in what blog topics that you enjoy the most. It turns out that the two top topics are:
1) Values-Driven Culture
2) Leadership
Next, I asked the question, “What do you want most from my blog and website?” The top responses were:
1) How to become a better leader
2) How to grow your business
3) How to create a dynamic workplace culture
Lastly, I asked an open-ended question about how I could make my blog better. Your compliments humbled me, and your suggestions stimulated my thinking about how to grow and improve this new ‘platform’, commonly called a blog!
Thank you, thank you, for participating in this survey. Your responses and feedback will help me better serve and add value to you.
Now, here’s a question for you: What questions do you think I should have asked in my reader survey, but didn’t? You can chime in and leave a comment <here>.