When our three sons were in high school, I would say to them, “When you get in the car with your buddies on Friday night, you already know how the night is going to turn out.”
So decide before you are asked about going out on the town Friday night whether you are going to accept or not.
And if you choose to get in that car, decide beforehand how you are going to react to the emotional situations that will occur that night.”
Your emotions can easily override your intellect. – Bobby Albert
The consequences and results of an emotional, expedient decision impact your life like the story of the “boiling frog.”
The “boiling frog” story describes a frog being boiled alive.
The premise is that if a frog is placed in boiling water, it will jump out.
But if it is placed in cool and pleasant water that is gradually heated, it will not perceive the danger or threat until it is too late and will be cooked to death.
The same principle applies to people. Those who are unable or unwilling to react to significant changes that occur gradually will eventually suffer undesirable consequences.
Every person can consistently make principled decisions by applying lessons learned in the summary below.
A summary of Principle vs Expediency
Here is a list of the blog posts that I’ve written on the concept of principle vs expediency.
- The Unexpected Outcomes of Expediency – Expedient behavior often leads to failure. Learn the characteristics and consequences of expediency.
- The Hallmarks of Principled Behavior – Principled behavior sets us up for future success. Learn characteristics and results of making principled decision-making.
- Learn How Successful People Make Better Decisions – Learn to make better decisions by understanding the difference between emotional-driven, expedient decisions and character-driven, principled decisions.
- Learn to Lead-12 Examples of Expedient and Principled Behavior –Strengthen your own discipline to make principled decisions by reviewing practical examples.
- Does Your Face Reflect an Abundance Mindset? – A person with an abundance mindset thinks, looks, and acts differently than someone with a scarcity mindset. Discover the details and download my Abundance vs. Scarcity Mindset printable.
- Why Abundant Thinkers Succeed with Flying Colors! – Explore five important areas where abundant thinkers differ from scarcity thinkers.
- Three Strategies to Help You Make Better Decisions – Learn how to protect your mind, know your values, and prepare a plan to make better decisions.
Expedient Behavior
People who have a scarcity mindset behave expediently (emotion-driven), and do what’s easiest and quickest, or what makes them the happiest in the short run.
Remember, expedient behavior is rooted in fear.
Expedient behavior eventually leads to undesirable results and negative consequences – even addiction.
Principled Behavior
However, a person with an abundance mindset believes (in a principled/character-driven way) that today’s short-term pain, sacrifice, and investment in time, energy, and money, will eventually bring long-term growth, blessings, and success.
Principled behavior is rooted in faith.
Principled behavior aligns you with time-tested ways to methodically create a successful life.
For everyone who has been born of God overcomes the world.
And this is the victory that has overcome the world—our faith. 1 John 5:4 ESV
Have you experienced the “boiling frog effect” in your own life? Which blog post listed above did you find most useful? Please share your thoughts by clicking here and sharing this blog post with your family, a friend, or a co-worker.