Have you ever formed a habit for one reason, and then discovered some unexpected “fringe benefits” related to your new habit. Bicycling has been that way for me. I started cycling as a way to get in shape, but that is only one of its many benefits! For many years, I have used my long bicycle rides to… Continue →
Leaders: Cast Your Vision in 3 Simple Steps
What is your destiny? Where will you be in five years? Or 10, or even 30 years? Continue →
Do You Have These 4 Key Leadership Qualities?
I have bicycled for over 30 years, and I usually ride the country roads near our home. Bicycling is an enjoyable way for me to exercise, and it gives me time to think! In fact, a recent ride revealed some powerful insights on leadership… Continue →
Goals Have Different Meaning to Different People
Several years ago my wife and I went to see the Cirque du Soleil show “O” in Las Vegas. Continue →
Is Goal Setting Top-Down or Bottom-Up? (The answer may surprise you)
I love bicycling. And I love watching the Tour de France, the Super Bowl of cycling. The Tour is an annual 21-stage race with three weeks of furious cycling primarily held in France. This year it was mountain-heavy and covered 2,084 miles with only two rest days. One thing I know is that herculean challenges like the Tour provide some great lessons about teamwork and leadership. Continue →
Are You a Lone Ranger When Setting Goals?
For years I was the “Mr. Idea Man” in our company. But that’s my job…isn’t it? As the leader of the company, I thought it was my job to generate the ideas and map-out how to implement them. Eventually, I learned that there was a better way to lead my team – a way to increase innovation and manage change at the same time. Continue →
What Can Albert Einstein Teach Us About Leadership?
A few years ago, a friend told about hearing Billy Graham tell the following story as the keynote speaker honoring the delegates to the United Nations in New York: Continue →
Feedback is the “Breakfast of Champions”
What does a cookbook have to do with an empowered workplace culture? Well, for me it has everything to do with it! Let me explain… Continue →
Catch the Quality Epidemic by “Scoping-Out” Four Questions
Because of the tremendous success of my company’s first Operation QIC® (pronounced “quick” for Quality Is Contagious) half-day workshop, eight months later we had our second Operation QIC workshop. Continue →
5 Baby Steps to Build A Mature Team
I can remember feeling stuck. I knew that I wanted to rally our people around a common theme for the coming year, but I did not know what the theme should be! I was certain about the need to cast the vision and unify our people, but I was unsure of how to do it. Have you ever felt this way? Read on and learn what I discovered about team-building. Continue →