Going once… Going twice… Sold! It almost seemed like an auctioneer had just sold off a big part of my life and work. Continue →
The Power of Purpose
ZAP! POW! When I hear those words, I think of the word “power”. I laugh and think about when I was a kid watching the Batman TV series, starring Adam West as Batman and Burt Ward as Robin. Continue →
What is a Purpose Statement?
Prior to 2011 when I sold my business to a publicly-traded company, I was doing meaningful work. I, along with our leadership team, worked hard, and in some cases, long hours, but we had lots of fun in the process. Continue →
Why Do We Stop Asking, Why?
One day I observed one of my grandsons interact with his mom. She had just made a comment about something, and it sparked his curiosity. His first response was to place his little palms on each side of her face and turn her face toward his determined gaze. Continue →
The Secret Sauce for Success
When I was a young boy, Saturdays were special days. My dad would often take me to lunch at a very small downtown café where their specialty was chili-dogs. Continue →
Goals & Controls – A Summary
Business is like marketing warfare. And someone needs to step-up and propose a strategy. Continue →
7 Communication Opportunities For Every Leader
Concerning real estate, you have heard the phrase, “It’s all about Location, Location, Location.” Then may I say that in business, “It’s all about Communication, Communication, Communication!” Continue →
How Business Reviews Can Help Leaders Achieve Better Results
As the years went by and my moving and storage company grew, so did our leadership team. I learned that as an organization grows, its leaders and leadership tools must also grow. Continue →
How to Set Performance Goals That Motivate and Inspire
Over 20 years ago in our moving and storage business, I experienced the true significance of setting measurable performance goals. And I discovered the key to setting performance goals that truly motivate and inspire! Continue →
Are the People You Lead Laying Bricks or Building Cathedrals?
A great teacher or communicator can use a simple story to convey an important truth. My good friend and mentor, Jim Lundy, was one such communicator. He would often tell the story about the two bricklayers: Continue →