Good things happened when we asked our two older sons, who had already married, and our youngest son, who was near finishing college, to help plan a holiday vacation! Specifically, we asked them to get involved in the decision-making process to find a common place where everyone could meet for a family vacation during Thanksgiving. Continue →
The Key to Great Workplace Culture
Building a great workplace culture is not about what you get. But what you give! It is not what you get from your employees. It is what you give to your people. Prior to me selling my company of over 150 employees to a publicly-traded company, it was rare that we ever used the word, “culture”. And it was even rarer that we spoke the words, “employee engagement”. Continue →
Every CEO Wants Three Things
There are three things every CEO wants. They wake up thinking about these three things, they go to sleep thinking about them, and pretty much every moment in between is consumed with the same three things. Continue →
A Simple Way to Empower Your Team
I love to study trends in business. And two trends are clear: operating a business has grown increasingly complex, and the organizational structure of companies has become more flat, requiring greater transparency. Continue →
Does it Have to be Lonely at the Top?
Until you have experienced it yourself, it may be hard to understand the oft-repeated phrase “It’s lonely at the top.” But when you are the leader of an organization, department or even a small group, you realize how true that statement is. As CEO of our company, I knew this feeling all too well–until I changed my approach to leadership… Continue →
The Secret to Creating 4X Growth in 4 Years
I have always enjoyed learning about other leaders and observing what makes them successful. And I’ve learned a lot from one particular chief executive whose greatest skill is perhaps the way he interacts with others. Continue →
The 360-degree Evaluation That Changed My Leadership
He impacted my life and leadership more than any other person. I can still remember the first day that I met him. He exuded confidence, and when our eyes locked I could see a twinkle in his eye. It was if he knew about a hidden gift, and was delighted with the thought of revealing it to those ready to receive it. Continue →
What Do Chili Dogs Have To Do With Success?
As a young boy, Saturdays were my special days. Often, my dad would take me to lunch at a tiny downtown café where the specialty was chili dogs. I always had mine with cheese, onions, and extra mustard. To this day, those were the best chili dogs I have ever eaten. Continue →
A New Way to Lead
It was the Fall of 1989 when I had an “aha” moment about my leadership style. My good friend and mentor, Jim Lundy, had completed a 360-degree evaluation of me, and the news was not what I expected. In fact, when I first heard the results, it made me mad! That was until I finally came to my senses and accepted the horrible truth– Continue →
The Secret to Employee Motivation
Sometimes a simple story can reveal a powerful truth. Such is the case with a story told by my good friend and mentor, Jim Lundy… Continue →