I led Albert Moving and Storage for 38 years. As you can imagine, our company was a huge part of my life. And then, in 2011 I sold it. I sold the company that I had grown from five employees to over 150. You might guess that this was an end to a great career – a time to kick back and find a hobby and rack up the airline miles. Well, for me it didn’t work out that way…

Though I had a great time leading and growing our company, 2011 was more of a beginning than an end! You see, selling our company allowed me to pursue what I am most passion about.
I can now broadcast a remarkable message of hope and success that offers unique solutions to leaders and business people across the world.
I see this as the beginning of the second half of my life. I’m leveraging my experience and insights into a writing, speaking/training and consulting business that helps other leaders achieve significance!
Opportunities Abound
You’ve probably entertained the idea of writing a book some day. I’m not surprised, because I believe each of us has a unique perspective to share about life and business.
Building a company around your unique message is a blast! I’ve found that launching this new business has allowed me to really tap into a couple of my core values:
Personal Growth – Learning has been fun and very interesting. I’ve been exposed to a whole new industry. I’ve learned soooo much new…
- Technology… for sure
- Industry terminology and language
- Ways to market products and services
- How to use social media
Achieve Significance – I feel I’m really making a difference in the lives of people.
- Writing has become my discipline to write a book and create products and services. When I hear about leaders using my blog posts to develop and grow their organizations, I know I’m having an impact.
- Speaking/training gets me face-to-face with larger groups of people. Their positive response has affirmed to me that I’m on the right track.
- Consulting leaders about business and life-changing decisions has been exciting. It’s encouraging to see them follow through with the process to achieve extraordinary results.
Lessons Learned
It has also been a time to buckle-up, put on the helmet, pull the chin-strap around and snap-it! This business, like any new endeavor, has required personal growth and learning.
My impatient nature and overly optimistic approach has caused me to have unrealistic expectations, and I under-estimated…
- How long it would take to build the business.
- The amount of effort and level of detail it would take.
- The amount money I would need to spend to fast-forward the business and speed-up the process.
- The size of the learning curve of ever-changing technology; the amount of articles, blog posts, and books to read; the number of conferences to attend; the number of webinars and podcast to listen to; and the use of consultants.
A Solution
Launching the public speaking portion of my business has been an important part of my overall plan. Public speaking is a special way to get your message out.
But what do I say? … To whom do I say it? … How much should I charge? These were questions that I needed to answer.
Fortunately, I found a conference that helped me answer these questions, and a whole lot more! It’s called the Launch Conference.
Every aspiring speaker should attend the Launch Conference because of their four-step launch formula.
When I attended the Launch Conference, I discovered how to create and cultivate a speaking business using a proven model for building a lasting career.
Not only were there peer-to-peer networking opportunities of people who are now my friends. But you have access to the premier Launch staff and special guests throughout your time at Conference.
The conference is hosted by Michael Hyatt (publisher, literary agent, and New York Times bestselling author of Platform: Get Noticed in a Noisy World), and Ken Davis (best-selling author, frequent radio and television guest, one of the country’s most sought after inspirational and motivational speakers).
Here’s their four-step launch formula…
- Discover your assets – Identify your true passions and clarify what is unique about you and your message.
- Design your products – You learn how to develop resources people want to buy. You’ll also learn about a speaker’s multiple streams of income, and how to build a killer speaking page.
- Develop your market – They show you their system to generate an inflow of prospects, and how to convert them to leads and sales.
- Determine your value – Learn what you and your products are worth in the marketplace. Products create the market, and the market creates the value.
If you want to give the Launch Conference a shot, the next one is in Orlando, FL., and April 13-16, 2015. To receive a $100 discount, you can click this link: Save$100OnLaunch.
Launching a content-based business is challenging. But with the right knowledge and direction, it can offer a rewarding path to follow your passion!
How about you? Have you ever wanted to launch a writing or speaking business? If you could begin today, what type of business would you start? You can leave your answer as a comment to this post.