Every year around Valentine’s Day, I try to do something extra special for my wife. The holiday serves as a reminder for us to celebrate our 42-plus years of marriage!
One of the best ways I’ve learned to demonstrate my love to my wife is with acts of service.
I’ve also learned that acts of service are an everyday opportunity and NOT a one-time event on the calendar that I must do.
I have discovered that love is at the core of authentic leadership.
Insight: One of the best ways for a leader to establish acts of service in their organization to discover their core values.

I’ve made a simple Values Discovery Worksheet for you to use in your own core values journey. It’s FREE, and you can download it immediately by <clicking here>. Feel free to print it or save it for your own use.
Can core values be learned?
I was recently asked this very insightful and important question.
Here is what I have observed…core values CANNOT be learned.
Core values reflect “who you are”. Core values are NOT a skill you can learn. You cannot give what you do not have.
While core values cannot be learned, you can, indeed, discover your own core values!
Every leader can discover their values and build an enduring, great organization by applying the principles discussed below.
For the past several weeks, I have been talking about discovering your core values and then “living out” them. The following are links to these blog posts with a brief summary of each.
The Problem
Sleep Busters – As leaders, we’ve all had problems or concerns that become so all-consuming in a our mind that they bust through and interrupt an otherwise peaceful night of sleep.
Escape the Cycle of Self Defeat – Every leader can escape the cycle of self-defeat by avoiding these common leadership traps.
The Solution
The First Step to Success – By asking one simple question, “Who are you?” You can start the journey to discover your core values.
What Core Values Are (and What They’re Not) – There are three fundamental truths to understand when discovering “who you are”
What Your Sleep Reveals About Your Leadership – I describe three types of organizations – and how you can become a leader who gets a good night sleep.
The Benefits
It’s not hard to make decisions when you know what your values are. – Roy Disney
The Key to Extraordinary Growth – Do you want to grow your organization to be 15x better than average? In this blog post, I reveal the statistics that support values-driven workplace cultures!
Why Some Companies Generate Super Bowl Sized Profits – By focusing on two areas in your business, you can create unbelievable profits like I did at the Albert Companies.
The Discovery Process
Key Steps in My Core Values Journey – Every journey begins with a step. Read about the first two steps that you can take to discover “who you are”.
These Two Questions Will Help You Discover Your Core Values – Have you ever wrestled with a challenge for weeks, even months, and finally had a breakthrough moment that gave clarity to the situation? My values discovery breakthrough came by answering two questions!
Super Bowl Core Values Wins Championships – Every leader can compete at the Super Bowl level by employing a three-phase process to discover their core values.
See How Easily You Can Validate Your Values – I share seven questions to help you determine if your core values are truly authentic.
How Could Value Cards be So Dangerous – I explain “why” you should run in the opposite direction when someone suggests that you use “value cards” to discover your values.
The Introduction Process
Four Steps to Prepare Your Core Values for Maximum Impact – Once you discover “who you are”, I give you four practical steps how you can position your core values for maximum impact.
Crush Your Next Company-wide Event! – I share how to have a successful company-wide event by addressing four main planning areas.
How to Roll Out Your Core Values to Your Entire Company – I explain how to plan, prepare and execute when the day arrives for you to successfully rolled-out your core values to your employees.
The Follow-Up
Give Me Five Minutes and I’ll Help You Expand the Impact of Your Next Event – I discuss how to engage your people in post-event leadership assignments to increase the long-term effectiveness.
Make Your Core Values Stick! – This is about how to get your employees involved in “living out” your core values.
Lead Better With These 5 Follow-up Strategies – I share how to improve your leadership by using five follow-up strategies with your people.
Three Ways to Shatter the Communication Barrier – I show how to use effective communication that looks a lot like repetition to reinforce your core values.
Three Ways to Build a High Performance Team – I explain how you can increase the performance of your team by incorporating your core values into three important areas.
Tune Up Your Organization and Check Its Core Values Alignment – This is about how you can ensure organizational alignment with your core values by following a two-step process.
Don’t forget, I’ve made a simple Values Discovery Worksheet for you to use in your own core values journey. It’s FREE, and you can download it immediately by <clicking here>.
Are you ready to discover “who you are?” Are your core values truly authentic? Are your organizational practices aligned with your core values? Could you share your comments <here> and share this blog posts with a friend and/or co-worker?