Start addressing what is inhibiting your team’s success.
Books that will help you build engaged and empowered teams.
The Freedom Paradox
Is Unbridled Freedom Dividing America?
Demonstrating a keen sense of societal awareness, Bobby Albert reveals four cultural changes that foretell the real problem with our nation. Bobby taps the wisdom of our founding fathers, and skillfully uses our past to explain the present and offer a compelling prescription for a brighter future. Cutting through the haze of hatred and polarizing politics of our time, The Freedom Paradox offers a timely solution to reunite our fragmented nation.
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True North Business
A Leader’s Guide to Extraordinary Growth and Impact
Another landmark leadership book by Bobby Albert, True North Business provides the compass and roadmap required for the journey to meaningful success.
Let’s face it, the marketplace is more competitive and bewildering than ever. Leaders need a proven way to confidently chart their path and lead their people.
Principled Profits
Outward Success is an Inside Job
In Principled Profits, Bobby Albert reveals the Paradox of Effective Leadership that transformed his leadership and catapulted his organization to unprecedented success. The proven principles laid out in this book provide a roadmap for any leader who is willing to step out and lead in a bold new way. Once you learn how to tap the passion and knowledge residing in your team, you too, will be positioned for extraordinary growth.