Do you have a thinking chair? For as long as I can remember, I’ve had a chair that I call my thinking chair. It’s my favorite chair in the whole house. This chair is where I go to think, reflect, and evaluate. I vividly remember what happened on a sunny afternoon in my thinking chair almost a decade ago… One Sunday afternoon in June 2005, I sat down in my thinking chair. I Continue →
Asking Questions and Listening – a Summary
About 30 years ago, I served as the youngest District Governor in the world for Rotary International service clubs. After serving, I was shocked when they asked me to train future District Governors. In preparation for my new training role, I went through a one-week training course. The training really made me realize the true value of asking questions and listening. Making your ear Continue →
Your Competitors Are Using This Strategy, Are You?
There was one particular skill that really helped me in college. I had a goal to practice this skill during each class. You see, I truly valued… …the process of asking questions. I would challenge myself to think of one question to ask during each class. It helped me develop a relationship with my professors. One of my favorite professors taught me Constitutional Law and Continue →
The Secret of Top Salespeople
A friendship that started about 30 years ago eventually developed into my good friend consulting me and my company. And he still consults me even today. He is one of the smartest people I know. On one hand, uses his legal mind (he has a law degree) with a high level of logical thinking, and on the other hand, he displays a strong creative bent. I still “kid” him today that his brain is Continue →
Use Questions to Give Constructive Feedback
Did you hear the story about the boy in the Cummings family that was very uncomfortable? Every time his father said grace and asked forgiveness for the family’s shortcomings, the boy thought he was the “short Cummings” that his father was concerned about! How many of you have ever had a misunderstanding with your… Wife? Husband? Boyfriend or Girlfriend? Children? Continue →
I’ll Take “Asking Questions” for $500
I’ve written quite a bit about asking questions and listening. I expect that by now, you understand why I’m passionate about asking great questions AND listening to the replies that follow. As leaders, once we understand a concept like this, we’re excited to communicate it to our people, but that can be a challenge. Here’s how I did it… Several years ago, after our summer peak season business, Continue →
You Too Can Ask Profound Questions!
One morning several years ago, I received a phone call at my office from the executive secretary of my pastor. Little did I know that this call, and the strange request I was about to hear, would change the very future of my business… She asked if I could pick up a gentleman at his hotel and just drive him around town for a couple of hours. I asked, “Where should I take him?” She responded Continue →
Three Reasons You Should Ask Questions Like Columbo
From elementary school through high school, I participated in a Saturday morning bowling league. I learned a lot about bowling in that league, but perhaps the most important lesson I learned while bowling was about the power of questions! I had my ups and downs, but eventually, my bowling scores improved enough that I thought about bowling professionally after college. I must have received Continue →
Why Most People Never Ask the Right Questions
While in high school, I found that asking questions helped me better understand what was being taught. It also helped bring clarity and understanding to the rest of the class as well. I remember in one math class, the teacher would call me by my last name. And she would often wave her hand downward when I asked her a question and say, “Albert, down, down.” My buddies in the Continue →
Get Rid of Your Listening Problems Once and For All
When I was young boy, I really enjoyed building model space ships, and sometimes, model cars, boats and ships. As I think about it, when I take my grandkids to the big toy stores, I don’t see any more of those model kits on the shelves. I guess toy models are hard to find now days, except maybe at a specialty toy store. It’s also rare to find model people. Model Continue →