I remember my days as a young leader. Some days, it seemed like I was on top of the world. Other days, I wanted to beat my head against the wall in my office! More often than not, my problems stemmed from people. But what I learned one day in 1989 would rock my leadership world and save my head from being used as a hammer! Continue →
Does Anyone in America Remember the High Road?
Watching the recent Presidential and Vice-Presidential debates and all of the political advertising has caused me to wonder why our culture has come to not only expect but also accept taking of the “low road”? Continue →
Do You Think Like a Gold Medalist?
At 43 years old, many would say that she is an unlikely Olympian. And yet, she is not just an Olympian, she is a medalist, a gold medalist. Continue →
Happy Labor Day 2016
"Far and away the best prize that life offers is the chance to work hard at work worth doing." --Thomas Jefferson Hoping you enjoy your rest from meaningful work this Labor Day Continue →
Which Pain Will You Choose?
We must all suffer one of two things: The Pain of Discipline or The Pain of Regret. Which pain will you choose? – Jim Rohn Continue →
Leadership is the capacity to translate vision into reality.
Leadership is the capacity to translate vision into reality. Continue →
Lead with Purpose and Vision – A Summary
Do you want transformation to occur in your organization or just change? Transformation occurs only when your people actually live and behave differently than they had before. Otherwise, change only occurs temporarily, and then your people revert back to how they were doing it before. Continue →
Unveil Your Vision – Inspire Your Team
“A traveling salesman was lost as he drove down a quiet country road. When he saw a young boy walking toward him he slowed down, stopped, and called to the boy: ‘Where am I?’ ‘There you is’ said the boy as he pointed at the man. ‘Hey, you’re pretty stupid, aren’t you!’ said the upset driver. ‘Well, you’re the one asking the dumb questions!’ replied the kid.” Continue →
How to Project Your Purpose
I have written quite a bit about our purpose (Why you exist?) and our vision (Where do you want to be?). As leaders, once we understand why our purpose and our vision are so important, the next logical step is to spread the word. Continue →
What is Your Destiny?
Let's face it, you don’t know what you don’t know. And when you do know, you’re often surprised. I remember how surprised I was when I saw the effect of a simple statement. I’m talking about the impact of discovering our vision statement. At the time, I did not realize the importance it played in communicating the direction of our company to our people internally and to our customers and Continue →