Are you like me? It’s that time of the year I get somewhere quiet or go on a long walk to pause and reflect. I look closer and observe some of the smallest things around me, things that I probably rushed by in the past year. Continue →
Merry Christmas
Christmas and Giving
Three Ways to Shatter the Communication Barrier
Picture yourself standing on one side of a pane of glass, trying to communicate with people standing on the other side of the glass. You can see them. They can see you. But what you are trying to communicate just bounces off the glass. Sometimes that’s how we feel when we roll out a new idea to our employees! We plan a big meeting, what we are going to say – even how we’re going to say it. Continue →
Lead Better With These 5 Follow-up Strategies
So, you've rolled out your Core Values to your organization, and now you’re wondering, “What now?”. Whether you are a “mom & pop” shop or a large company, any big initiative that you roll out to all your people takes a lot of effort! Here's what to do next... Continue →
Make Your Core Values Stick!
As a leader, I always get pumped and excited when we have an event, like Our Values QIC-Day, to get our employees involved in “how” we should “live out” Our Values. In a previous blog post, I shared that I met with our “Value Leaders” immediately after our QIC-Day event where I introduced Our Values, and how I… Continue →
Give Me Five Minutes and I’ll Help You Expand the Impact of Your Next Event
Have you ever attended a conference, workshop, or meeting that just “blew your socks off”? You walked away enthused, pumped, and ready to “go and tear up the world”! Silence How often have you heard great ideas and were highly encouraged by what was said? But after you walked away, you never heard any more talk or discussion about those ideas. It’s as if the “head of steam” that developed Continue →
How to Roll Out Your Core Values to Your Entire Company
I’m sooooo excited that I have finally come to this writing about the day when we rolled-out our Core Values to our employees. At that time, October 2005, it was the most significant company-wide event we had ever held. Continue →
Crush Your Next Company-wide Event!
Think about the last organization-wide event that you attended. Did it roll out without a hitch? Was everyone in the room inspired, informed and aligned? I have hosted countless such meetings and know it’s harder than it looks to pull off an event like this. I’ve discovered the secret to successful company-wide events and it may surprise you! The secret to these successful meetings cannot Continue →
“Gratitude unlocks the fullness of life. It turns what we have into enough, and more. It turns denial into acceptance, chaos to order, confusion to clarity. It can turn a meal into a feast, a house into a home, a stranger into a friend. Gratitude makes sense of our past, brings peace for today and creates a vision for tomorrow.” ― Melody Beattie May we live today, and each Continue →