Episode Description:
Guest Victor Pena shows us that it doesn’t matter where you come from or where you start. His abuela showed him that even pennies could be the start of a business! In this episode, Victor tells Bobby Albert that his entrepreneurial spirit started as a child and led him to become the founder and CEO of Omniprint International, a multi-million dollar printer manufacturer. He shares crucial truths about scaling a business and how to overcome the challenges of different stages of growth. Victor is an engineer by trade, but he flexed his marketing and sales skills to execute the words “better-known beats best.” His journey shows us that more hours can’t get you there, but more knowledge can.
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About the guest:
Victor Pena is the Founder and CEO of Omniprint International, a multi-million dollar printer manufacturer; he’s an experienced leader of innovative teams, with product-of-the-year awards for the last five consecutive years. Victor is a focused digital marketer with solid fundamentals and creative strategies for lead creation, development, and management. You can connect with Victor via LinkedIn at https://www.linkedin.com/in/victor-pena-ceo-omniprint/
About the host:
Following a successful career as CEO, Bobby sold his business to a publicly-traded company. In what he calls his “second half of life,” Bobby seeks to pour Biblically-based principles into growth-minded business leaders.
Through Values-Driven Leadership, Bobby serves as an Executive Coach and Training Consultant for organizations. He shares many of his principles and practices through a weekly blog, the True North Business podcast, and through three books he has authored:
- Principled Profits: Outward Success Is an Inside Job,
- True North Business: A Leader’s Guide to Extraordinary Growth and Impact
- The Freedom Paradox: Is Unbridled Freedom Dividing America?
Find out more at ValuesDrivenCulture.com